Map of the world

  • Where to watch BIRDS and

  • other wildlife in the world
  • Photograph of Snowy Egret

    A superb image of a Snowy Egret taken by Michael McKee.

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    This website is about the birds and other wildlife which make planet Earth so exciting. It is also about the best places to see the world's birds and other wildlife. It has been up and running since April 2010, is illustrated with many world-class images and is continually updated.

    We believe there is a lot of information on this website which is of great interest to birders and other people who travel abroad at least once a year in search of the world's birds and other wildlife. Here they gather information on the best places to see what they wish to see. Many use local guides and tour companies, and accommodation, and it is easy and affordable for individuals or companies offering such services, as well as books, optics and other equipment, to reach out to thousands of birders and other wildlife enthusiasts by advertising on this website.

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